What is SRI!

Vartman Pithadhishwar Anant Shri Vibhushit Param Pujya Swami Shri Nritya Gopal Das Ji Maharaj
Shri Ram Janmbhumi tirth chetra trust Ayodhya, Shri Krishan Janmbhumi nyas Mathura, Shri Maniram Das Chhawni, Shri Ayodhya Ji

Param Pujya
Swami Shri Kamal Nayan Das Ji Maharaj
Shri Maniram Das Chhawni,
Shri Ayodhya Ji

Swami Mahendra Das
Founder Chairman
In this age of Kali, where we all dwell in, moral values and social norms are conveniently changing. People, in general are leaving their centuries old heritage of great culture and devotional lifestyle.
SRI, Sri Ramakrishna International is set up to bring glories to our legacy of matchless educational system, to help the masses to uplift spiritually, reinstate spiritual practices in the society to purify body, mind and soul and surrender oneself to the God and his true disciples. Swami Mahendra Das ji, Founder Chairman of SRI is leading the guidelines of Shri Ramanand Sampradaya under the direction of Param Pujya Swami Shri Kamal Nayan Das Maharaj, Successor of Shri Maniram Das Chhawni ,Shri Ayodhya ji. Swami Shri Kamal Nayan Das ji is the disciple of Vartmaan Pithadhishwar Anant Shri Vibhushit Param Pujya Swami Shri Nritya Gopal Das ji Maharaj.

SRI, Sri Ramakrishna International has appeared as one of the ripened fruit of ancient wisdom tree of Shri Ramanand Sampradaya established by Jagadguru Ramanandacharya.
Around 800 years ago Jagadguru Ramanandacharya incarnated as merciful avatar of Lord Shri Ram whose sole purpose was to spread the message of truthful living as per shastras, and uplift people spiritually in forming an ideal society. Jagadguru's disciples come from all the sections of the community like Goswami Tulsidas, Kabirdas, Dhanna, Raidas, Meerabai, Nabhadas,Pinara, Pipa, Sena and many others. With divine grace and Jagadguru's guidelines, all of them became great Spiritual philosophers and propagated his message of leading a devotional and truthful life among the folks.
Services and Objectives of SRI!

Running Projects

We are building a Knowledge Temple GURUKUL where exemplary wisdom would be the real outcome to serve the Society.

Regularly feeding "SRI PRASADAM" by conducting Bhandaras(Langar)/ distribution of food packets to hundreds and thousands of people in need.

Our Gaushala Project wherein hundreds of old and abandoned cows are sheltered, fed and taken care of with love.
Volunteer With Sri Ramakrishna International

Become a Member
SRI invites all enthusiastic spiritual seekers, socially conscious people and the young meandering minds to become our member, and help oneself and others to elevate spiritually and lead a devotional and meaningful life.
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Become a Donor
SRI invites all enthusiastic spiritual seekers, socially conscious people and the young meandering minds to become our member, and help oneself and others to elevate spiritually and lead a devotional and meaningful life.
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